The way to Eliminate Tar Out of a Wool Rug

The way to Eliminate Tar Out of a Wool Rug

Instead of getting angry after someone tracks tar onto your heirloom wool rug, have a deep breath and head for the kitchen. Street tar often finds it way within the house, particularly during hot days when road surfaces become fragile and tar adheres to the bottoms of shoes. Short of making everyone take their shoes off before they come in the home, a dull kitchen knife helps eliminate tar so that you can treat the stain.

Scrape the tar from the wool fibers using a dull kitchen knife, a wood craft stick or any other easy-to-clean or throwaway employ. Clean out the tar from the knife using a paper towel as you work.

Spray the stained area using a dry-cleaning solvent or general-purpose solvent intended to remove sticky adhesives.

Blot the moistened area thoroughly to remove excess tar. Gently pull the tar from the fibers using a cloth soaked with the solvent. Repeat this as needed to eliminate as much tar as possible.

Rub the region with heavy duty laundry detergent after treating with the solvent.

Scrub the stained area with warm water and a scrub brush. Rinse with cool water if the stain is gone.

Employ an all-fabric bleach to the affected region for rough tar stains. Blot with a sponge rinsed in clean cold water.

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