Tropical Shrubs that are beneficial for Fences

Tropical Shrubs that are beneficial for Fences

A pure fence in growing plants is more aesthetically pleasing than the abruptness of a block wall fence or the industrial appearance of chain connection. Plants allow for the movement of air throughout the yard whilst giving a barrier. Add a touch of the exotic by using tropical shrubs. Choose plants that older as tall as you want your fence to be, or that take to pruning.

Fast Growing

Acquiring the fence to full height fast is a benefit of plants such as bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spp.) . The plant takes to pruning and rises up and out to 20 feet. A benefit is that bougainvillea provides vibrant color throughout the year. It has nondescript miniature white flowers. However, the bracts round the flowers are vivid coloured in shades of red, bright pink, purple and peach as well as calming white. It has sharp, hooked thorns which behave as a safety measure. Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) has varying growth habit depending upon the cultivar. Hawaiian Hibiscus (H. arnottianus) has white flowers and rises 30 feet high and 25 feet wide.


You may not think of citrus trees as a tropical shrub, but it is frost-tender which classifies it as tropical. It also has bushy growth habit that makes it more of a tall shrub than a tree. Sour orange creates inedible but decorative oranges. Most citrus trees blossom in the spring. The flowers fill the yard with a wonderful fragrance. One disadvantage of a citrus fence is that the fallen fruit needs to be picked up on a regular basis, otherwise it will attract rodents. Natal plum (Carissa macrocarpa) rises to 7 feet tall and wide. It has star-shaped flowers in the spring which become purple plum-size fruitsand vegetables.


A thorny fence provides peace of mind and beauty when it is formed from firethorn (Pyracantha). The bush blossoms in the spring and will be covered with small white blossoms having an unusual but not unpleasant odor. Green berries turn and form into a bright red in the fall and into winter. Birds such as the grasses and will be attracted into the fence. Firethorn will need some support before the bush is large and thick enough to support itself.


Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis) has trumpet-shaped bright orange flowers about 2 inches long. The bush grows to 7 feet wide and 10 feet high. Keep it cut and it also remains bushy and dense. Lantana (Lantana camara) rises to about 5 feet tall. Tiny flowers blossom in red, orange, yellow, white, pink and cream with several colors clustered on the exact same floret. Keep it trimmed to prevent legginess.

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