The Way to Apply Polyurethane to Veneer
Wood veneers are delicate, and while they may benefit in the durability of a polyurethane finish, polyurethane’s lack of subtlety may be displeasing if it is applied incorrectly. Contrary to lacquer or alkyd varnish, polyurethane is a plastic, and that fact becomes evident when you spread it too thick. Although it is ideal to spray polyurethane onto a veneer, you can also do it with a brush or rag. It’s ideal to build it up in thin coats, trimming every coat once it dries and recoating until it cures.
Sand the veneer by hand with 220-grit sandpaper, going with the grain of this wood. This eliminates spots of dirt and old finish which will still be on the surface. Wipe off the sanding dust with a damp rag.
Seal the wood grain by wiping shellac or a 50-50 solution of polyurethane varnish and mineral spirits with a rag. Allow the sealer dry, then sand the surface by hand with 220-grit sandpaper. Wipe off the dust. If you are employing a stain, it is going to seal the wood, which means you can omit sealing with shellac or thinned polyurethane.
Apply a thin, wet coat of polyurethane, possibly by spraying or cleaning. If you are brushing, deposit material onto a dry surface and brush it with strokes into one which has already been painted. If you are spraying on, move the rifle , maintaining a uniform space between the spray tip and the surface. Do not arc away it at the borders.
Pop any bubbles which appear with the suggestion of your paintbrush. They are more likely to appear when you are brushing, especially if you’re using a waterborne finish, and you might have the ability to keep them by moving your brush more gradually.
Allow the surface dry till it is no longer tacky, then lightly sand it with 400-grit sandpaper and apply a second thin coat. Do not wait more than 24 hours to recoat or the base may cure. If it does, the fresh polyurethane won’t adhere properly.
Sand the next coat with 400-grit paper and employ a thirdparty. You rarely have to employ more than three coats of polyurethane, but some burl veneers that accept complete unevenly may require more.
Give the last coat between 24 to 48 hours to cure, then rub it down with 0000 steel wool. Spread polishing powder and polish the surface with a coarse rag. Finish up by dispersing a coat of wax and buffing it up with a rag, if desired.