The Way to Fill a Gap in a Laminate Countertop

The Way to Fill a Gap in a Laminate Countertop

All laminate countertops have openings and seams. The cleaner the setup, the smaller the seams — but the narrowest openings are still observable. Producers of laminate countertops also make seam fillers especially to fix this imperfection, and the fillers are available in a wide variety of colours to match your countertop. The exact directions to the seam fillers differ from product to product, but the basic application technique is exactly the same. Seam fillers are suitable for repairing deep scrapes, wide nicks and gouges as well as simply filling openings.

Apply pure acetone into a cotton swab. In case the manufacturer of this seam filler specifies a distinct solvent, then use that solvent instead. Wash the gap from the laminate countertop along with the surrounding surface together with the solvent.

Rinse off the lubricant the countertop using a wet sponge. Dry the surface with a rag and then use clean cotton swabs to dry inside the gap. Wait until the countertop is completely dry.

Squeeze some seam filler on a paper plate plus a spare piece of laminate. In case the manufacturer advises it, mix the product using a putty knife until it becomes less liquid. Exposure to the air causes seam fillers to harden, so stop mixing it before it becomes too stiff to work with.

Scoop the seam filler on the putty knife. Apply it into the gap from the countertop using the knife, and then scrape the knife perpendicularly through the seam to compel the extra filler into the gap.

Put on the acetone or other solvent into a fabric. Run the fabric perpendicularly through the gap to remove any remaining excess filler.

Apply additional filler when the first program was not sufficient to fill the gap. Remove the excess with the solvent. Wait 15 minutes, or the length of time specified by the manufacturer, for the filler to dry.

Check the gap. If the filler dissipates and no longer fills the gap correctly, apply more. Again, wipe the surface with the solvent to remove excess. Wait until the item dries.

Run the fabric with the solvent over the gap when the filler has bumps and ridges. The solvent smooths the filler so that it’s flush with the surface and as invisible as possible.

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